WCRCT Incorporation WCRCT (R)

As of the 26th of March 2013
West Coast Remote Control Trucks
became an incorporated club and will be known as:

West Coast Remote Control Trucks Inc

While this may not sound like much to most people it will certainly open a lot of avenues to us to develop and expand our ever growing club into areas we have not been able to pursue.

As an incorporated club we have an elected committee to oversee the
running of our club.

Contact details for our committee members are available
 on our
Contacts page (it has expanded greatly!)

With both incorporation and our fully comprehensive public
liability insurance this covers our club, club members and
people we have invited along for the days entertainment!

We have a form for guests and visitors which needs to be signed which
then includes them in our show and it also puts them under our
public liability insurance

As long as you were invited and have agreed to our rules and
regulations under our name you are covered. However, you will
be required to sign one of our non member forms which
covers both ourselves and outlines the requirements to be
able to participate in our shows.

Copies of our Constitution and Rules and regulations as well
as the non member forms are available by request

Membership forms are also available from the Membership page.

This website is owned by West Coast Remote Control Trucks Incan dis  run by Bill Randall (c) 2012
West Coast Remote Control Trucks Inc. are in no way affiliated or associated with either
West Coast Model RC or  Big Rigs and Construction WA.